February 5 - Writer's Access

First post-Pandanmic live meeting of the

Davis Community Church Writer's Group,

and we spend time writing on the spot, inspired by a visual prompt, and the resultant writing is brilliant,

particularly Harriet's on our recent extended family trials and tribulations,

also this author checking in, producing the libretto of

San Rafael News, Op. 51 (1995)

          V. Life Span

        Elephants                               70 years
        Dogs                                      18 years
        Cats                                       14,
        Horses                                   20 years
        Whales                                  50 years
        Carp                                      30
        Gupies                                  5 years
        Eagles, Owls, and Parrots    60 years
        Parakeets                              12 years
        Box Tortoises                       100
        Giant Tortoise                      200
        Redwood Trees                    3,000 years
        Creosote Bush

Every higher organism has a species charactristic average lifespan
that is defined and limited by the best intrests in species survival
that is defined and limited by the best intrests in species survival

For an adult planet or animal to live forever after procreation
it would dplete the food supplies and then jeopardize the species survival
it would deplete the food supplies and then jeopardize the species survival

Immortality would halt the process of the natural selectivity
which is the major instrument in adaption for all species survival
which is the major instrument in adaption for all species survival

Mortal generations have superior adaption via sexual means,
than an immortal populace for the challenges of species survival
than an immortal populace for the challenges of species survival.


which, as with Harriet's,

turns out to be very well received...

On the initially inclement

33rd day of summer,

high again 55

(3rd day in a row -- with Davis, 56).



rehearsals and


at the


including a reading from Matthew 5: 13-20, 43-46 (Salt and Light, Love for Enemies)

corresponding to

The Gospel According to St. Matthew, Op. 85 (March 1, 2000)
        V. The Salt of the Earth

        VI. The Sermon

After a perceptive Eunbee Ham Sermon, the Chancel Choir performing

Johannes Brahms (1833-1897)
     Geistliches Lied (1856)


featuring the Chamber Choir in

Brian Lewis (b. 1970)
     Benedictus (2004)

Blessing, and


graced by an organ version of

Benedetto Marcello (1685-1739)
   O Lord How Excellent (c. 1716)

there's coffee again with Interrim Pastor Derek Austin (who checked out the Zoom Opus 96) --

a delightful time!








Harriet and my phones both lose their ability to make calls,

so we hightail it to


and pretty much derive no satisfaction.

While they don't let on, we pretty much figure out that it is our entire neighborhood that has temporarilly lost service.

In other regions, we can clearly talk, and a side benefit it catching up with John Browning, as we make our way back to the


Writer's Group (preceded by Session).





detoured by


Another welcome

Family Zoom



In the day's interstices,

produce a new edition of the piano-reduction re

Antigone, Op. 88 (2000)

Honegger Orchestrations, Op. 370 (December 12, 2021)
    For Voice and Orchestra
    3 Psalms (1941)
        Psalm 36

        Psalm 138
        Psalm 140

on the Complete Works site

in a swirl of media entailing

a playback of the Chinese spy balloon shooting,

Maurice Ravel (1875-1937)
     Mother Goose (1910)

The Dick Van Dyke [b. 1925] Show (1961)

     2. XXVIII. Divorce (1963)

Nature (1982)
     40. III. The Elephant and the Termite


Symone Sanders (b. 1989)...